High Profile Norms & Links

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NORM adj.

  1. Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
  2. Free from mental illness; sane.


  1. Something normal; the standard: scored close to the normal.
  2. The usual or expected state, form, amount, or degree.
    1. Correspondence to a norm.
    2. An average

Did you say average? Some honorary and Posthumous members below.

 Letter From General Norman Schwarzkopf

            Gen.   Norman Schwarzkopf                      Norman Rockwell
             TV producer Norman Lear          Rev. Norman Vincent Peale
        Writer, Editor Norman Cousins             Film Director, Norman Jewison
                      Norman Thomas b. 1884, d.       Writer Norman Maclean
                      1968 Socialist Leader               "A River Runs Through It"


Norman Luboff - Choir Director Extraordinaire





                                               A division of Vous Art Group