Current Roster

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"A good name is a thread tyed about the finger, to make us mindful of the errand we came into the world to do for our Master" 18th cent.Puritan sermon

Without doing a tedious statistical study, we will venture a guess that Belleville, Illinois (pop. 41000) has an unreasonable number of males with the given name, Norman. This makes it the perfect place to establish the Charter Norms' Club. We are also geographically situated near the center of the U.S.  
We aim to be  an International organization yet our mission and goals are unclear at this point. We will issue a beautiful laminated membership card to those who qualify . Please refer to the membership page.

Illinois Chapter:
Norm Acker, Norm Agne, Norm Armstrong,
Norm Becherer, Norm Brough
Norm Collins
Norm Etling
Norm  Geolat, Norm Greenberg
Norm Hake, Norm Hasenstab
Norm Kaesberg, Norm Keller, Norm Otto Keller, Norm Knollman, Norm Krause
Norm Ludwig, Norm Raab, Norm Rains, Norm Rains, Norm Raines, Norm Reeves, Norm Rieso
Norm schaefer, Norm Schwengels, Norm Stewart
Norm Theisman
Norm Werner
Norm Wilke, Norm Wright, Norm Wright

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Norm                     Norm 
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                Norm                    Norm 

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Norm                    Norm
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Norm                      Norm

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Norm        Norm
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Norm                Norm

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Norm      Norm




                                               A division of Vous Art Group